Norm Matloff describes Software Alchemy as the process of transforming a non embarrassingly parallel problem into an embarrasingly parallel one through the use of statistical averaging. Let \(n\) be the number of data points, \(r\) be the number of chunks and \(n_i\) be the number of data points randomly assigned to the \(i\)th chunk. Let \(\hat{\theta}_i\) be the estimator fitted to the \(i\)th chunk. Then the weighted average of these estimators forms the chunk average estimator:

\[\tilde{\theta} = \sum_{i = 1}^r \frac{n_i}{n} \hat{\theta}_i\]

This is asymptotically equivalent to \(\hat{\theta}\), the estimate of the parameter on the whole data set. Each \(\hat{\theta}_i\) can be fit in parallel.

Let’s experiment with this idea using a simple linear model \(y = 1 + 2x + \epsilon\).

The set up:

n = 1e6
x = rep(1:10, times = n / 10)
y = 1 + 2*x + rnorm(n)
xy = data.frame(x, y)

The ordinary OLS estimates:

fit = lm(y ~ x, data=xy)


# (Intercept)           x
#    1.001219    1.999820


#               (Intercept)             x
# (Intercept)  4.672165e-06 -6.674522e-07
# x           -6.674522e-07  1.213549e-07

Now let’s try using the general chunk averaging function in Matloff’s partools package.


cls = makeCluster(2)

f = function(chunk) lm(y ~ x, data = chunk)

fit_ca = ca(cls, xy, f, coef, vcov)

# $thts
#      (Intercept)        x
# [1,]   0.9980718 2.000178
# [2,]   1.0043666 1.999463
# $tht
# (Intercept)           x
#    1.001219    1.999820
# $thtcov
#               (Intercept)             x
# (Intercept)  4.672163e-06 -6.674519e-07
# x           -6.674519e-07  1.213549e-07

The chunk averaging estimate of the covariance matrix of the coefficients differs from the conventional estimates only in the 7th significant digit. So the method works very well here.

As a side note I like expressing the computation as a function that operates on a chunk, since this is conceptually how I think of this type of parallel program. Python’s dask library uses a similar model with callables. That was this line:

f = function(chunk) lm(y ~ x, data = chunk)

Non IID data

What happens when we violate the assumption that the chunks consist of iid observations? For example, sorted data is not iid. Below I’ll take that a bit further and put the relatively small and large values of \(y\) in separate chunks. This should result in different (and incorrect) intercept estimates across the two chunks.

xy2 = xy[order(xy$x, xy$y), ]
low = rep(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 50000), 10)
xy3 = rbind(xy2[low, ], xy2[!low, ])

fit_sorted = ca(cls, xy3, f, coef, vcov)

# $thts
#      (Intercept)        x
# [1,]   0.2022849 1.999896
# [2,]   1.8001534 1.999745
# $tht
# (Intercept)           x
#    1.001219    1.999820
# $thtcov
#               (Intercept)             x
# (Intercept)  1.696553e-06 -2.423648e-07
# x           -2.423648e-07  4.406632e-08

Indeed the intercept estimates for the two chunks are different from the correct value of 1. One is around 0.2 and another 1.8 as seen in the values of (Intercept) in $thts, which presuambly stands for \(\theta\)’s. The average $tht is still correct because of symmetry.

The estimated covariances for \(\theta\) in this new averaged model are smaller than the true ones by a constant factor. This is because the data in each chunk had less variance than before since the noise effectively came from just one half of a normal distribution.

vcov(fit) / fit_sorted$thtcov

#             (Intercept)        x
# (Intercept)    2.753916 2.753916
# x              2.753916 2.753916

This suggests a common sense way to build confidence when applying the software alchemy approach: compare the empirical covariance of the \(\hat{\theta}_i\)’s ($thts) with the estimated covariance matrix \(Var(\tilde{\theta})\) ($thtcov). For this averaging based approach one would expect the ratio

\[\frac{Var(\hat{\theta}_i)}{Var(\tilde{\theta})} \approx k\]

where again \(k\) is the number of chunks.

This was satisfied with iid samples and 2 chunks. These values are “close enough” to 2. We can’t expect them to be especially close because we’re estimating covariance with only 2 samples.

cov(fit_ca$thts) / fit_ca$thtcov

#             (Intercept)        x
# (Intercept)    4.240463 3.369001
# x              3.369001 2.103070

Bumping up the number of chunks / workers to 20 increases the accuracy of the empirical estimate of \(Var(\hat{\theta}_i)\), so the ratio becomes relatively closer to 20. Again this gives us confidence.

cls = makeCluster(20)

fit_ca20 = ca(cls, xy, f, coef, vcov)

cov(fit_ca20$thts) / fit_ca20$thtcov

#             (Intercept)        x
# (Intercept)    19.09641 18.03746
# x              18.03746 16.78620

However, consider the case where the data were not randomly assigned to the chunks:

cov(fit_sorted$thts) / fit_sorted$thtcov

#             (Intercept)           x
# (Intercept) 752461.9508 499.3144833
# x              499.3145   0.2603325

These numbers are orders of magnitude away from \(k = 2\). This tells us that the data weren’t iid in the chunks or there was some other serious issue with the actual versus the expected variance of the estimate \(\hat{\theta}\).