
It’s possible to speed up heavy numerical computation by writing OpenCL kernels and running them on a GPU (graphical processing unit).

Disclaimer I’m a novice C programmer, and this is my first time writing OpenCL. So there are almost certainly safer or faster ways to do things.


The original motivation for this calculation was to approximate the log likelihood \(L(\theta)\) for an n dimensional multivariate normal \(X \sim N(0, \Sigma)\) where \(\Sigma = g(\theta)\) for \(p\) dimensional \(\theta\) with \(p << n\). We’re not assuming any kind of special structure for \(\Sigma\) beyond this. More concretely, for data on the cosmic microwave background from the Planck telescope we might have \(n = 10^7\) and \(p = 6\). Computing the exact likelihood requires a Cholesky decomposition which is \(O(n^3)\), which is prohibitively expensive in this case.

If these likelihood approximations are fast enough then we can use more efficient numerical optimization methods that may require many function evaluations. Then we end up with faster and more accurate methods to find the maximum likelihood estimators for \(\theta\).


The general idea is to use Vecchia’s approximation together with thin plate splines to quickly approximate the likelihood. Every coordinate of \(X\) contributes to the likelihood, so we represent that contribution with a thin plate spline. Mathematically, following the notation from Wikipedia:

\[L(\theta) \approx \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^k c_{ij} \phi(\Vert \theta - w_{ij} \Vert)\]

where \(\phi(x) = x^2 \log x\) is the mathematical kernel, not to be confused with the OpenCL kernel. \(c_{ij}, w_{ij}\) are the spline coefficients and control points, respectively. We haven’t yet considered how to estimate these, but it will definitely have to be done in order to apply this method.

Rather than performing the outer sum we computed a vector of length \(n\) containing the spline evaluations. In psuedocode:

out = vector(n)
for i in 1:n:
    out[i] = thin_plate_spline(x, coef[i, ], control_pts[i, ])

The body of this loop is the OpenCL compute kernel.


We wrote this in R, C, and Julia and tested it with random inputs. We set \(n = 10^7\) and chose \(k = 10\) so that we wouldn’t run out of memory on a Mac laptop GPU.

C and Julia ran at a similar speed, between 3 and 4 seconds on my desktop. Here are a couple timings on a more powerful nvidia GPU, the Tesla K20c which has 2500 cores:

Transfer input to device (GPU): 0.14 sec
Run compute kernel:             0.01 sec
Return output to host (CPU):    0.08 sec
Total:                          0.23 sec

Transfer input to device (GPU): 0.13 sec
Run compute kernel:             0.03 sec
Return output to host (CPU):    0.06 sec
Total:                          0.22 sec

Evaluating the compute kernel on the GPU takes around 0.02 seconds. If we fix all the inputs except the small \(p\) vector \(\theta\) and take the extra step of summing the output vector to evaluate the scalar valued likelihood function then the data transfer time will be effectively 0 for any subsequent evaluation. Hence this method can potentially result in function evaluations two orders of magnitude faster than CPU code.

These faster function evaluations can potentially be very helpful for numerical optimization routines.

Final Thoughts

Most of my programming experience is in high level languages like Python and R. OpenCL goes into the low level world of creating buffers and directly transferring memory onto devices. I learned a ton, and feel happy about this because these concepts are critical for efficient use of modern computational resources. But I have a long way to go!

The OpenCL Programming Guide explains the basic concepts well.

Code and notes can be found here in the fastgauss Github repo, especially in the tps subdirectory.