I’ve been reading John Chamber’s book Extending R and it feels like another one of those things that I wish I would have read and understood long ago. He argues for using S4 over S3 for more general software engineering in R.

S4 is necessarily more complex than S3. This post is for me to gather my thoughts and see if I understand it. There are copious amounts of documentation out there.

Exploring the space

Typically in R I use ls() to see which objects exist. The methods package has better tools for this.

What classes does a package define?

# Any package using S4
pkg = "package:CodeDepends"


# [1] "ScriptNodeInfo"  "Script"          "ScriptInfo"      "AnnotatedScript"
# [5] "ScriptNode"

What is the definition of the class, ie. the slots and the inheritance?


# Class "AnnotatedScript" [package "CodeDepends"]
# Slots:
# Name:      .Data  location
# Class:      list character
# Extends:
# Class "Script", directly
# Class "list", by class "Script", distance 2
# Class "vector", by class "Script", distance 3

What generic functions does the package use or define?


# An object of class "ObjectsWithPackage":
# Object:  "[<-"  "["    "[[<-" "[["   "$<-"  "$"    "coerce"
# "getDependsThread"
# Package: "base" "base" "base" "base" "base" "base" "methods" "CodeDepends"
# Object:  "getInputs"   "getVariables" "makeCallGraph" "names" "readScript"
# Package: "CodeDepends" "CodeDepends"  "CodeDepends"   "base"  "CodeDepends"

What methods have been defined for a particular generic function?


# [1] getInputs,ANY-method            getInputs,DynScript-method
# [3] getInputs,function-method       getInputs,Script-method
# [5] getInputs,ScriptNodeInfo-method getInputs,ScriptNode-method

What is the definition of a particular method?

# Definition when calling getInputs(obj) where `obj` is of class function:

getMethod(getInputs, "function")

# Method Definition:
# function (e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".", reset = FALSE,
#     formulaInputs = FALSE, ...)
# {
# ...

Basic Operations

Define new classes (usually done in a package):

Schedule = setClass("Schedule",
    slots = c(code = "expression", evaluation = "data.frame"))

TaskSchedule = setClass("TaskSchedule",
    slots = c(transfer = "data.frame"),
    contains = "Schedule")

Now they show up here:

"Schedule" %in% getClasses(globalenv())

Define a new generic function with a default method (usually done in a package):

setGeneric("generateCode", function(Schedule, ...)

Lazy evaluation

The methods dispatch on the class of the arguments, which requires evaluating the arguments. Thus lazy evaluation is not possible for these arguments.

wont_eval = function(x, ...) NULL


setGeneric("will_eval", function(x, ...) NULL)



will_eval(stop('first arg here'))

# Error in will_eval(stop("first arg here")) : first arg here